Gillian Flynn never expected GONE GIRL to become an international bestseller, or for the movie directed by David Fincher to become a Hollywood blockbuster. Instead of chasing trends or trying to anticipate the market, Flynn wrote the kind of story she wanted to read. It wasn’t supposed to work. And yet it did. Gillian writes with a cinematic flair, which translates well to adaptations. She fuels her passion for movies inherited from her father, and now passed along to her son. She’s going to need a bigger boat.
From Amazon.com:
Gillian Flynn was the chief TV critic for ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY and now writes full-time. Her first novel SHARP OBJECTS was the winner of two CWA DAGGERS and was shortlisted for the GOLD DAGGER. Her latest novel, GONE GIRL, is a massive No.1 bestseller. The film adaptation of GONE GIRL, directed by David Fincher and starring Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike, won the Hollywood Film Award 2014.
J.K. Rowling was nearly homeless when she wrote the first Harry Potter book. Stephen King penned CARRIE on a small desk wedged between a washer and dryer. James Patterson worked in advertising and famously wrote the Toys “R” Us theme song long before becoming an author.
Whether you’re traditionally published or indie, writing a good book is only the first step in becoming a successful author. The days of just turning a manuscript into your editor and walking away are gone. If you want to succeed in today’s publishing world, you need to understand every aspect of the business – editing, formatting, marketing, contracts. It all starts with a good book, then the real work begins.
Join international bestselling author J.D. Barker and indie powerhouses, J. Thorn and Zach Bohannon, as they gain unique insight and valuable advice from the most prolific and accomplished authors in the business.
In this episode, you’ll discover:
- Why visualizing movies can improve your writing
- How the right mentor can make all the difference
- Where you can find storytelling inspiration
J. D. Barker – http://jdbarker.com/
J. Thorn – https://theauthorlife.com/
Zach Bohannon – https://zachbohannon.com/
Gillian Flynn – https://www.gillian-flynn.com/
Best of BookTook – https://bestofbooktok.com/
The Carbon Almanac – https://books2read.com/carbonalmanac
Story Rubric – http://storyrubric.com
Nonfic Rubric – http://nonficrubric.com
Scene Rubric – http://scenerubric.com
Proudly sponsored by Kobo Writing Life – https://kobowritinglife.com/
Music by Nicorus – https://cctrax.com/nicorus/dust-to-dust-ep
Voice Over by Rick Ganley – http://www.nhpr.com and recorded at Mill Pond Studio – http://www.millpondstudio.com
Contact – https://writersinkpodcast.com/dev/contact/
*Full disclosure: Some of the links are affiliate links.
Christopher Wills
3 years ago
Interesting interview today. I enjoyed both the book and movie of Gone Girl. Luckily lovely wifey Denis and I share a fascination of films with our son. We used to take him to the movies using the bait of a meal out after but he soon grew to love films of all genres and today (at 28 and in the army) he is happy to come to the movies with us when he is home. He is a fan of Marvel movies which I don’t like, but fortunately he has a large group of friends to go and see them with.
I like Gillian’s writing process because I always like to hear successful writers say they are not a plotter. A great story is a great story and doesn’t have to conform to a template.
I love JD’s statement; ‘Did Gillian Flynn know she was writing Gone Girl when she was writing Gone Girl?’ That’s almost a great motivational saying but needs work. ‘Does Zach know he’s writing Dead South while he’s writing Dead South?’ Hmm…
Great show.
J. Thorn
3 years ago
Zach doesn’t know what he’s writing at any given time. LOL!
Thanks for listening!