Q&A Episode – June 2021
In this monthly q & a session, the guys answer listener questions.
Whether you’re traditionally published or indie, writing a good book is only the first step in becoming a successful author. The days of just turning a manuscript into your editor and walking away are gone. If you want to succeed in today’s publishing world, you need to understand every aspect of the business – editing, formatting, marketing, contracts. It all starts with a good book, then the real work begins.
Join international bestselling author J.D. Barker and indie powerhouses, J. Thorn and Zach Bohannon, as they gain unique insight and valuable advice from the most prolific and accomplished authors in the business.
Join us on Patreon and ask your question LIVE on the podcast!
Questions asked:
- I know J. has tried doing a dialogue only first draft, and I’d love to know what you think now. Will this be part of your normal process going forward? I’m trying it myself now, after a conversation with Jeff Elkins. I can definitely see the benefit, but it’s taking me a lot longer. Any tips to share? Thank you!
- I will be releasing the final book in a trilogy soon, and I’m thinking about whether to start some paid advertising. I’d start with services like BookBub or The Fussy Librarian to test the waters. Since the trilogy will be complete and I can get read-through, is this a good idea? Or should I wait until I have a few more books out? Thanks!
- What aspect of the writing process have you recently changed or tweaked?
- My question is about chapters/episodes in serialized fiction. I have a space opera trilogy almost ready to go and have decided to release it in a serialized version first as an experiment (on Substack instead of Vella because I’m Canadian). Is a chapter a chapter regardless of how it’s released? Or should I reconsider the arc of my chapters for each format?
- What’s the best way to get started offering author services?
- Where might you be able to cut corners on editing?
- What writing achievement would you like to be remembered for?
J. D. Barker – http://jdbarker.com/
J. Thorn – https://theauthorlife.com/
Zach Bohannon – https://zachbohannon.com/
Story Rubric – http://storyrubric.com
Nonfic Rubric – http://nonficrubric.com
The Career Author Summit 2021 – https://thecareerauthor.com/summit2021/
Proudly sponsored by Kobo Writing Life – https://kobowritinglife.com/
Music by Nicorus – https://cctrax.com/nicorus/dust-to-dust-ep
Voice Over by Rick Ganley – http://www.nhpr.com and recorded at Mill Pond Studio – http://www.millpondstudio.com
Contact – https://writersinkpodcast.com/dev/contact/
*Full disclosure: Some of the links are affiliate links.
Christopher Wills
4 years ago
I am hoping to be remembered for the Oscars awarded for the films made from my books, among other things.
It’s called visualization, works for athletes apparently.
J. Thorn
4 years ago
Nice! All of your books made into films? 🙂
Christopher Wills
4 years ago
I’m not greedy, half a dozen would be fine, help me get by in my old age.
Shae Lynn Watt
4 years ago
Loved this episode. Is there a place to look for more info about a dialogue first draft? I feel like this could be a helpful practice for me, but I have questions—like, literally just the dialogue? Write like a script with minimal stage direction? Is the intention to keep all this dialogue in the next draft, or more of an exercise to think about how characters would talk about what’s going on?
Any insights or resources appreciated!
J. Thorn
4 years ago
Thanks! Check out Jeff’s site. He has tons of resources n dialogue.