Storytelling and the Creative Process with Josh Malerman
Josh Malerman has a unique approach to storytelling and the creative process. During the process of selling the rights to the Bird Box movie, Malerman learned the ins-and-outs of the entertainment industry. He even started his own production company. Josh toured the country for six years with his band, The High Strung, but has since taken a break to write and enjoy life with his wife in Michigan.
Josh Malerman is an American author and also one of two singer/songwriters for the rock band The High Strung, whose song “The Luck You Got” can be heard as the theme song to the Showtime show “Shameless.” His book Bird Box is also currently being filmed as a feature film starring Sandra Bullock, John Malkovich, and Sarah Paulson. Bird Box was also nominated for the Stoker Award, the Shirley Jackson Award, and the James Herbert Award. His books Black Mad Wheel and Goblin have also been nominated for Stoker Awards.
Whether you’re traditionally published or indie, writing a good book is only the first step in becoming a successful author. The days of just turning a manuscript into your editor and walking away are gone. If you want to succeed in today’s publishing world, you need to understand every aspect of the business – editing, formatting, marketing, contracts. It all starts with a good book, then the real work begins.
Join international bestselling author J.D. Barker and indie powerhouse, J. Thorn, as they gain unique insight and valuable advice from the most prolific and accomplished authors in the business.
In this episode, you’ll discover:
- How Bird Box changed Malerman’s career
- When to take calculated business risks
- Why every author needs a support group
- Why you shouldn’t save your best story ideas for later
- How to be fluid with story structure
- When and why to restart a draft
Josh Malerman –
Bird Box (novel) –
Bird Box (official trailer) –
The High Strung –
J. D. Barker –
J. Thorn –
Music by Nicorus –
Voice Over by Rick Ganley – and recorded at Mill Pond Studio –
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*Full disclosure: Some of the links are affiliate links.
Traditional and Independent Publishing with Hugh Howey
Few authors have had as much success in both the traditional and independent publishing world as Hugh Howey. Since the launch of WOOL, Howey is an innovator with a unique voice. He is a brilliant fiction writer who, with the help of his agent, has negotiated publishing deals that were previously thought impossible. Hugh lives on a 50-foot catamaran while he sails around the world and this interview comes to you from the shores of Tahiti.
Hugh Howey is the author of the award-winning Molly Fyde saga and the New York Times and USA Today bestselling WOOL series. The WOOL OMNIBUS won Kindle Book Review’s 2012 Indie Book of the Year Award — it has been as high as #1 on Amazon — and 40 countries have picked up the work for translation. Ridley Scott and Steve Zaillian are adapting the work for 20th Century Fox.
Whether you’re traditionally published or indie, writing a good book is only the first step in becoming a successful author. The days of just turning a manuscript into your editor and walking away are gone. If you want to succeed in today’s publishing world, you need to understand every aspect of the business – editing, formatting, marketing, contracts. It all starts with a good book, then the real work begins.
Join international bestselling author J.D. Barker and indie powerhouse, J. Thorn, as they gain unique insight and valuable advice from the most prolific and accomplished authors in the business.
In this episode, you’ll discover:
- Why storytelling is meant to be a collaborative process
- What it means to be at liberty with language
- How an agent can have a tremendous impact on your career
- Why self-publishing and traditional publishing can complement each other
- The importance of self-publishing before pursuing the traditional path
- Why you should ignore the stigma of being independent
- Why experienced and accomplished writers need to help beginners
Hugh Howey –
J. D. Barker –
J. Thorn –
Music by Nicorus –
Voice Over by Rick Ganley –
Voice Over by Rick Ganley – and recorded at Mill Pond Studio –
Contact us –
*Full disclosure: Some of the links are affiliate links.
A Pivot on Pursuing a Traditional Publishing Deal with J. Thorn
Although just beginning the process, the guys introduce a pivot on pursuing a traditional publishing deal. J.D. looked through THE LAST TOWER and realized that the manuscript could be improved, but not without significant work to get it to the point where agents and editors would pay attention. Faced with a difficult decision, J. decides to table the manuscript for now and head in a different direction.
Whether you’re traditionally published or indie, writing a good book is only the first step in becoming a successful author. The days of just turning a manuscript into your editor and walking away are gone. If you want to succeed in today’s publishing world, you need to understand every aspect of the business – editing, formatting, marketing, contracts. It all starts with a good book, then the real work begins.
Join international bestselling author J.D. Barker and indie powerhouse, J. Thorn, as they gain unique insight and valuable advice from the most prolific and accomplished authors in the business.
In this episode, you’ll discover:
- Why THE LAST TOWER wasn’t J.’s best option at the moment
- How passive voice and showing (vs. telling) can be problematic
- Why you must start your story with a great hook that gets a reader’s attention
- The ways in which J.D. has “broken the rules” in chapter 1
- How Hugh Howey’s WOOL is the gold standard for grabbing a reader from the start
- Why J. doesn’t fret over words
- The problem with chasing trends when pursuing a traditional publishing deal
- What New York editors are chasing at the moment
- Why so many thrillers now have the word “girl” in the title
- The importance of vetting book ideas with someone you trust
- What the latest K-lytics’ report says about the horror genre
- How J.D. keeps his story ideas organized
- Why combining two story ideas might create something unique
- Why J.D. starts a story with a plane crash (hypothetical, of course)
K-lytics –
J. D. Barker –
J. Thorn –
Music by Nicorus –
Voice Over by Rick Ganley –
Voice Over by Rick Ganley – and recorded at Mill Pond Studio –
Contact us –
*Full disclosure: Some of the links are affiliate links.
Pursuing a Traditional Publishing Deal with J. Thorn
J. Thorn has published more than two million words of fiction and is an official member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, the Horror Writers Association, and the Great Lakes Association of Horror Writers. Thorn is a full-time writer, part-time professor at John Carroll University, co-owner of Molten Universe Media, podcaster, FM radio DJ, musician, and a certified Story Grid nerd.
In episode 2 of Writers, Ink, the tables are turned as J.D. interviews J. about his desire to secure a traditional publishing deal for his manuscript, THE LAST TOWER. J.D. drops knowledge bombs in this conversation which is sure to enlighten authors at any stage of their journey.
Whether you’re traditionally published or indie, writing a good book is only the first step in becoming a successful author. The days of just turning a manuscript into your editor and walking away are gone. If you want to succeed in today’s publishing world, you need to understand every aspect of the business – editing, formatting, marketing, contracts. It all starts with a good book, then the real work begins.
Join international bestselling author J.D. Barker and indie powerhouse, J. Thorn, as they gain unique insight and valuable advice from the most prolific and accomplished authors in the business.
In this episode, you’ll discover:
- The exciting, new, unplanned segment of Writers, Ink.
- How J. became the show’s guinea pig
- Why after 10 years as an indie, why J. wants to pursue a traditional deal
- What J. did when he stopped getting rejections from agents
- Why THE LAST TOWER is the manuscript J. wants to query
- J.D.’s position on indie vs. traditional
- How J.D. kept Barnes & Noble honest
- When J.D. reads paper and when he reads on his Kindle
- The leverage Hugh Howey used to get a traditional publishing deal
- What J. did to prepare for Pitchfest at Thrillerfest
- Things that turn agents off in the querying process
- What Stepen King taught J.D. about point of view
- Tools J.D. uses to improve his manuscripts
Manuscript formatting –
Autocrit –
J. D. Barker –
J. Thorn –
Music by Nicorus –
Voice Over by Rick Ganley – and recorded at Mill Pond Studio –
Contact us –
Full disclosure: Some of the links are affiliate links.
What it Takes to be an International Bestselling Author with J.D. Barker
J.D. Barker (Jonathan Dylan Barker) is an international bestselling American author whose work has been broadly described as suspense thrillers, often incorporating elements of horror, crime, mystery, science fiction, and the supernatural.
In episode 1 of Writers, Ink, J. interviews J.D. about what it takes to become an international bestselling author. The two writers discuss the pursuit of traditional publishing and how to become an independent author.
Whether you’re traditionally published or indie, writing a good book is only the first step in becoming a successful author. The days of just turning a manuscript into your editor and walking away are gone. If you want to succeed in today’s publishing world, you need to understand every aspect of the business – editing, formatting, marketing, contracts. It all starts with a good book, then the real work begins.
Join international bestselling author J.D. Barker and indie powerhouse, J. Thorn, as they gain unique insight and valuable advice from the most prolific and accomplished authors in the business.
In this episode, you’ll discover:
In this episode, you’ll discover:
- How J.D. can write two different books at the same time
- When J.D. writes his 3,000 words a day
- Advice J.D. implemented from Dean Koontz and James Patterson
- How writing with James Patterson has changed J.D.’s mind on outlines
- What J.D. says to new writers he mentors
- The only two books on writing J.D. uses on a regular basis
- How J.D. helped Dacre Stoker turn the corner on Dracul
- Why J.D. hired professional cover designers, editors, and proofreaders for his self-published books
- Why J.D. talks to his agent, Kristin Nelson, as much as his wife
- What traditional publishers can do that independents can’t
- How J.D. approaches the business of writing
- What J.D. still does day-to-day
- What J.D. thinks is on the near horizon for the publishing industry
Nelson Literacy Agency –
The Fourth Monkey –
Dracul –
J. D. Barker –
J. Thorn –
Music by Nicorus –
Voice Over by Rick Ganley – and recorded at Mill Pond Studio –
Contact us –
A New Podcast for Writers
J.D. Barker and J. Thorn met at Thrillerfest in New York City and developed an instant connection around the love of dark fiction, podcasting, introversion, and helping other authors navigate the business of writing.
Both Barker and Thorn have an extensive background in author education and mentoring, therefore a new podcast seemed like the perfect venture in which to join forces and help struggling writers become career authors.
Welcome to the show!
J. D. Barker –
J. Thorn –
Music by Nicorus –
Voice Over by Rick Ganley – and recorded at Mill Pond Studio –
Contact us –